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  Pranayama and MeditationPranayama & Meditation  with Dr. Shrikrishna  
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Description of seminars       Yoga & Pranayama       Day schedule       

Character of the seminars and basic informations for participation:

Our one-week open seminars of Pranayama & Meditation are suitable for beginners with little previous knowledge in the field of yoga or in the area of pranayama and meditation and equally for advanced practitioners and yoga teachers. A basic aim is the realisation of the healthy yoga path in everyday life, based on mindfulness and on a more deliberate contact with the breath. An expansion of consciousness, increasing vitality and the harmonisation of body and mind can be the results, often linked with changes in sensitivity, perception and behaviour. Dr Shrikrishna's teaching is very precise, mindful and humorous and embodies a living yoga tradition which roots can be traced back thousands of years and which aims directly towards spiritual knowledge of the Self.

So the focus will be on developing the practice of pranayama and meditation and how to use it for improving the state of mindfulness in daily life activities. The emphasis will be on experiencing the inner silence which comes from this practice. The theoretical, philosophical and technical aspects of pranayama will be discussed with this emphasis in mind. Particularly for yoga teachers and related professions which focus on the therapeutic aspects of breathing, on body work with the help of the breath or with relaxation techniques and meditation these seminars are an enriching offer of further education for the professional practice.

These retreats provide optimal conditions for participants to cultivate and deepen their awareness and inner silence. They are not intended as an opportunity for academic study or as relaxed vacations. Instead, participants are expected to come prepared to enjoy gradually increasing periods of silence, exploring in playful ways how to carry out the day's activities without speaking, and using this freedom from incessant talking and thinking to develop mindfulness.

Dr. Shrikrishna's retreats give yoga instructors and advanced students an opportunity to experience long practise segments with a unique combination of yoga philosophy and yoga practice. He skillfully leads participants into meditative states through pranayama practicses, yoga philosophy and methods of inner inquiry. This is complemented by lectures and discussions about the changes in consciousness developing from it, about philosophical and psychological theory and references to traditional texts of yoga and ancient wisdom. During the seminar theoretical explanations alternate with instructions for practise (see day schedule).
The seminar topics, both theoretical and practical elements are especially recommended for teachers in the field of yoga as a stimulus and further education program for the yoga teaching. Notes on the teaching of pranayama are regularly a topic in the seminar sessions.

There is also the opportunity to ask your own questions and to talk about individual topics or problems of mental or spiritual kind, to discuss general questions about life or simply be inspired by the questions of others. Special periods of time are dedicated for the recitation of supporting mantras and the meditative experience of the nature around.

Main focus of the practical exercises is on the meditative perception of the mind and on the introduction to a methodology for the exploration of the inner Self. A mindful experience of the breathing and practise of pranayama techniques are the means for this aim. Great importance is attached to a careful and gradual advancing to meditation. This is why even beginners can have intensive experience during a retreat.

So, previous knowledge of the yoga practise is not necessary. Many of the pranayama and meditation techniques require sitting. Participants should have prior experience of sitting quietly for periods of at least 20-30 minutes. For those who already practise yoga by themselves Dr. Shrikrishna recommends a practise of asana during the retreats in addition to the everyday lessons to loosen physical tensions which can occurr during longer phases of sitting and intense mental activity. To beginners it is also recommended to do simple stretching and relaxation exercises if necessary. For those for whom it is difficult to sit on the floor for a longer time they are free to practise on a chair or in the lying down position from time to time.

Since the focus of the seminars is upon deepening the internal experience, it is recommended for the participants to keep the outer silence during the retreats, first beginning with keeping the silence during the meals. In the silent phases the possibility is given to enter more deeply into own internal mind processes. To guide one's own experiences into the direction of a transformation process, a willingness should be there to look at one's own everyday life and to question oneself.

With all the exercises it is provided that the participants can take part according to their own state of being or appropriate to their own level of practise. A self-responsibility for your own practise and the development of your own spiritual path is being supported. Therefore, practise instructions will not be taught mechanically, but a sensitive, deliberate and exploring type of practise is offered which always leaves a space for individual needs. Also in the theoretical sessions there is always a possibility for a discussion of the contents.

Since the group dynamics also have a role to play during these seminars it is not possible to only participate for a shorter time span during the one-week retreats.

The seminars are held by Dr. Shrikrishna in English and are being translated into German language (unless otherwise announced).

For further information about yoga and pranayama, please click here.
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